Thursday 2 May 2013

History Repeats Itself!

The Case of Sidama nation (North East Africa-South Ethiopia)

By Akako Wonshsho, From Sidamaland, May 2, 2013

Human quest for freedom, respect for own identity to preserve and protect it from obliteration, naturally craving for human and democratic rights and asserting its continuances, realization of self-determination, socio–economic, socio–cultural, political and by large progress in development advancement had been started  since time immemorial. Even though such desire for freedom, liberty and emancipation does not exempt any segment of societies residing in every corner/region of the world,  a quest for freedom encountered in developing countries is more pronounced, particularly in least developed ones as compared to developed. The secret behind this is that political subjugation and economic exploitation of the oppressors against the oppressed is significantly higher in least developed countries. This hypothesis becomes credible when we see the fact that the level of resistance against oppression is lower in poorest countries.

However, we can logically argue that it remains quite certain that as long as political oppression and economic exploitation of oppressed and suppressed nations persists, the resistance to get rid of the rulers will continue indefinitely. The more the oppression, the bitter will be the struggle. This argument also flares up the fact that ‘as the period of resistance struggle increases the irreconcilable contradiction between the oppressed and the rulers will be more intensified’, and at the end of last phase of the struggle the conflict between these antagonizing groups will reach to its highest climax which marks that arduous, bitter and vehement struggle waged by overwhelming majority of the oppressed against the rulers will be more intensive which eventually results in overthrow or demolishment of given despotic regimes of any country.

However, after it is defeated, the previous ruling group will try its level play best to weaken the new state established by oppressed nations of any country. The despotic rulers or parties use various means of coercion to disintegrate the unity and solidarity of the new government. The new rulers deploy all sorts of divide and rule tactics to dissolve the establishments by giving power to their obedient, empowering small ethnic groups, dividing the people by ethnic, geographical area, religion, wealth and so on. Moreover, they use previous ones and create new elite group at various levels who serve the very interest of despotic leaders.

In most cases the aforementioned elite groups become running dogs of rulers and serve as instrument of subjugation and exploitation of their own people on behalf of the rulers whose objectives remain ruling the subjects with barbaric tyranny. Such despotic actions of the rulers and their affiliates play freedom impeding and emancipation prolonging role on the part of the subjugated. Even if after lapse of considerable period of struggle against the tyrants and if it eventuates defeat /overthrow of the rulers, similar cycle of events of political subjugation and economic exploitation of the oppressed by the oppressor will continue until the intensification of irreconcilable contradiction between the subdued and the ruler sharpens more than ever to become more extensive and intensive until the ruling regime is totally ousted to replace it with the systems that values humanity on equal basis.

The systematic tactics and methodology of political subjugation and economic exploitation adopted by the oppressors against the oppressed might differ from the previous oppressors in its style when the new one assumes authority. Even though some sorts of confusions and misconceptions arise resulted from different social orders that are claimed to be used as various forms of exploitation instruments; the substances of political subjugation and economic exploitation will be the same- further indicating the relationship created between the rulers and ruled is essentially similar to that of the former.

Such cycle of political subjugation and economic exploitation by ruling regime is maintained until radical and new state building and strengthening measures taken; and these events in the course of history include (external powers interference, divide and rule tactics being deployed, impeding roles of elites at various levels, role  of hypocritical historians, lack of integrity, unity, levels of socio –political consciousness on the part of the peoples at alrge, unfulfilled subjective as well as objective conditions, high levels of poverty). Quest for freedom is relatively limited as result of which levels of active involvement against resistance is less significant, as is the case with Sidama nation in particular and other oppressed nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia in general- under the three successive regimes including the current one.

Radical change bearing struggle of resistance must be launched against despotic regimes for emancipation of the oppressed nations and break the cycles of political subjugations and economic exploitations adopting consorted efforts involving all stakeholders. To put it in crystal clear manner, it is becoming more and more logical on the fact that there is an ever increasing need to wage arduous and bitter struggle against such hideously brutal, savagely bestial, so despotic and authoritarian regime that brutalize citizens whom it is meant to protect- to bring about its inevitably faster downfalls.

To re-put it in a net shell, it would be quite obvious that the need to undertake such comprehensive and protracted struggle of resistance enhancing and strengthening  of active involvement and alliance of all parties/organizations of oppressed nations to bring about the final doom of this ethno-fascist regime. Doing so can be achieved through coordination, maintaining and leading of concerted and collaborative efforts of all segments of societies, social groups, liberation organizations/parties at large involving the entire public to assert the accomplishment of such tasks. These tasks are indeed considered as fulfilment of such sacred historical mission expected from every beloved citizen and the peoples of the country at large--whose unreserved and relentless efforts  are not only essential but also mandatory to eventually uproot and dismantle such rapacious and tyrannical/vulgar regime on whose grave establishment and consolidation of democratic social order in which every oppressed nation enjoys from its outcome (equality, emancipation, unity, prosperity, integrity, solidarity, etc) as privileged group from mutual assistance for mutual benefits of all involved in the vehement struggle waged against such voracious and indeed barbarous regime that of the current TPLF/EPRDF’s one.

If we work hard based on unity of purposes, we all shall triumph!

Victory to Sidama People and others subjugated Nations!

Akako Wonshsho, From Sidamaland, May 2, 2013

Ollonkke Qerxeemmo!!

Sidaama Poem by Akako Wonshsho, 
May 2, 2013, from Sidamaland!

Ollonkke Qerxeemmo Qarra buqqisate
halamme xoolate,
Sidaamuu dagara Kajinne loosate!

Manchu beetti heeshsho beebbaho tugaawori,
Meeya labbaahura wotto kalaqaawori,
Hexxo kudunsite lopho hunttannori,
 Qarruwa bacate rewote ebbannori,
Kalaqamu abbe naqaawo dirbabbanna,
Heeshsho huluullise gadachitawo manna!

Darbino daninni xeenu wayi hoogeenna,
Loosamino gidi xoxewe ba’eenna,
Korkaatunni ka’e hude burqiteenna,
Intayiri angayiri horontta hoogeenna,
Qarraho unbbanni hude quursiteenna,
Uulate tenqeenyi hattono xiwanna,
Olunna lolahu jaddo kalaqeenna,
Dawaawano goonfayi quxoonni fulteenna,
Xissonna xidanu gobbate uwiro,
Tayissara dandiitawo manchi siddo horo!

Qarruwa buusante beeshshiteenna faro,
Gargadhe ajishate qarruwate bikka,
Balanxe huwantayi rakkote ka’ima,
Aanchine buuxate qarruwate dana,
Sufote loosinni abbate woyyimma,
Xiinxallote gumi ikeenna wodaaha,
Dhiibba taraawaaha garuyi ittisate,
Kalaqamu qarri bikka ajishate,
Ballimmanna baambbe buqise hunate,
Rumudda buximayita buqqise fushshate,
Qarruwa baalantta loonse qerxeemate,
Mittimma kaajinshshe laalaante loosate,
Halamme loonsiro miinjja batinsanni,
Heeshsho woyeesate injjo halashshinanni,
Qarra rakko baala mitee buqinsanni,
Buxuqqamme loonsse buljja ikkinanni,
Dagoomu miinjjano baasa lossinanni,
Xaphoomunino lopho latinssanni,
Woyaabino lophpho gumuni la’ate,
Sidaamu uurinshsha Ledo  Mitteni (SLM) lonssani
Sidaamu dagara halaaluyiya lopho kajishe lossate
Ledo gutu gaara kalanqqenna
Mittimma sharramate deerra aggaxinanni
Garinni sigiigee wolapho abbi’dha
Hati yenomoti mitte dogo note!!

Poem by Akako Wonshsho, from Sidamaland May 2, 2013

Qeelle Sidaamu Dagara!!!

Hypocritically Instigated Simulations!

Poem by Akako Wonshsho, May 2, 2013

Everything that appears
never tantamount to that it actually seems!

For milk of magnesia,
dare not identify itself to cow’s milk scum,
As all that is gold does not shine,
as other metal that fully glitters,
Remote past common proverbs,
Never uncommon,
if they are not predominantly used sayings,
of descendants of human races,
Used to make contradistinction,
between things and events by many ethnicities,
Knowing many languages,
and their use under various circumstances!

We heard and read about,
their centuries lasted stories,
to justify them by providing eye witnesses,
as evidence for  generation old,
social  - orders’ (three)  based clues!

Their forms seem to differ,
but have essentially one content,
which boils down from “three contents”
to only one serving as denominator!
Having encountered them all along decades,
Non of them were open for dialogues,
nor geared to compromise with,
Claiming as if each of the three,
manifested no feature of impudence,
It was a disgusting,
nay, despotic, regimes,
Fulfilled objective realities,
should be considered as guiding compass,
the clue of which need to be used by joined naysayers,
who signed the pact to eventually to demolish
the evil current system!!

For better and most dependable development let’s always elect SLM!

Victory to Sidama People and others subjugated nations and nationalities of Ethiopia!

By Akako Wonshsho, From Sidamaland, May 2, 2013

Amate Sokka (Wiinamu Sokka Baalunkura!)

By Akako Wonshsho, 

May 2, 2013, From Sidamaland

Diinu woyya wolqanna burkuta hayyo hoo’roonsire hedeweelchcho horre Sidaamu gobbana manna kadote gashshootira ewe sa’asi sa’u woggati dagoomu xagge qullaawu garinni xawisse sa’inno halaaleeti. Hattenne yanna albaanni Sidamu manni umisi gashshoote, dagoomunna–miinjjju, dagoomunna budu, botolikunna wole lophote handaarra gashshooti annaati. Kadote gashshooti hundda gadado qunaate gala hanafihu gedensaanni allagichu manninkke aanna loonsotinna loosanni noo buuto, hantaalonna dawaawano bikkimale ikkase faajjete.

Woyyaawino garinni manchi beeti taaloonyira uurinoha gadate gashshoote billaalise diinu gashshooti rumuxanno gede asse gadadise gashsha, miinjjanna kalaqamu jiro baala raawe mulqi’re horronsi’ranni heera, qoonqossi, budesi, jirtesi, seerasinna ayimasi xawo fushano injosi horo ba’anno asse umisi budinna seerira guluphite galtanno asse ciigishshe gashshanni heerasinna xaphomunino hajo baalantera aliidiha ikke dagoominkke heeshsho addintanni lowo geeshsha gadadaame ikkiteenna manninkke darbitino buxima giddo uwe heeranno asitay keeshansa Sidaamu manni sa’u gashshootubba hundaanni gadadame gali xagge reqecci assite sa’inno halaaleeti.

Allagichu dagoominkke ayiimma qoosso, manninaatunna demokraaste qoosso, kalaqamu uuyinota umo gashshate qoosso, miinjinsanna botolikinssa gashshaano ikkannoki gede agawe hoole umisi gashshooti hundda wolqate gadadame guluphanno assate babbaxitinno hayyo hoo’roonsiranni keeshshasi xawoho.

Wolqqa hooroo’nsira, waajishiisha, babbada, sacha, harunssa, shiimu mannira woxe woy uulla woy yara gashoote uwaateennina wole hayyo ho’roonsire kadamino manni mereero baxillu, mittimma, halama, allagicho aaninni hoo’late gutu gaara kalaqqannoki gede assaninna kadote mannu fulanokki assitanno farrana dano loosaniiti xa yanara he’nonihu. Kuni aleeni la’numori ikino daafira sa’u gashshootubba mimmituwayichinni baxitannohu heedhu/kalaqantu yannannina su’minsanninna kadote hayyonna wolurinni callaati kadote amadooshensa la’ahunni baalunkku assooti jeefo manchi beetto gargadhanno wolqqanna hayyora ka’ima ikkitanno injjo baala roqqite hoolte kade gashshate.
Sidaamu mannino heeshonsara woyya qarruwa kalaqe hundasii guluphe galannota malano diina aaninni hoo’late afoo arrawo xaade mittimmate sharramanni yannasi, woxesinna lubbosi baatanni keeshasi dagoomu xagge xawisino halaaleeti. Ikkollana xaa geesha manigadu allagichi wollqanna burkuta hayyo horoonsiranni noo daafo hendanni garinni wolaphosi afira didandiino.

Tenne yannarano mannankke darbbimalu qarri giddo tugate woyya irkko ikkitannosi farra loosanni mannankke yawuuchishannina mittimasi diiganni leellano. Hasattosi wonshirateno xaa yannara mannankke minfulunni, qachunni, qametenni, olluunni, ga’retenni, woradunni, amma’notenni, woxunni, shiimu mannira uulla, yara gashootena wolere qeeche babbadaninna mittu ayiidoomi ooso mereero uminsa botolikkira guluphphitanno gaamo kalqenna wole dawaawano sirse manninkke mittimma beco hune ciigishe gashshate woyya woxenna badaase gashate lowo irkko ikitanno hayyo horo asi’re mannankke woyya qarri giddo tuge hegeraawate buxuqame loos’iranni noo yannaati.

Ikiyo daafira manninkke ayiimma huwachiishate, manninaatunna demokraasete qooso garunni agadhate, meessi gashshoote uurrisiratenna xaphomunnino wolaphonkke afi’ne kado aaninni hoo’late afoo arrawo xaandde mittimmate sharrama noo dooriweelonkeeti.
Ayiiradu Sidaamu mannankke teenne ikito wo’mu wodaninni huwaxite kaajado mittimma kalaqidhe kadotenna darbbimale buximara ebbannota bacu daninni akkimalete qarruwara reqeci asitannota allagichu mixo sigiiggino sharronni buluushshine wolaphonkke ilate diinu babbadooshira ayee bakko ikkeennano guluphinummokkinni dhdhabata mittimmanna silisu hayyo horo assi’ne diinu gano batachate illete liphphora nafa huluullamummokkinni mittimma ka’no!

Qeelle Sidaamu Dagara!

By Akako Wonshsho, from Sidamaland, May 2, 2013